Friday, February 25, 2011

Travel through space and time

Hey folks day 1 was great! I got to the airport very early, got to check to bags for free and they are checked all the way through to Cairo. I will arrive in Cairo Saturday at 2100 which is 10 hours ahead of California.
Interesting observations today:
  • A woman in a floor length fur coat that made her look like a giant bunny rabbit
  • On the way to Chicago, the pilot informed us that he was going the fastest he had ever flow at 710 miles per hour. I don't know if that was supposed to be impressing but I found it a little scary
  • The woman next to me on the plane ate a banana-this one is especially for Matt. You would have been totally disgusted
  • They have free wi-fi in Amman but not in Chicago (Chicago you are so far behind)
The airport security for getting on a plane to Jordan seemed ridiculous though I think it is supposed to make travelers feels safe. All of our passports and IDs were rechecked and they did "random" searches of people all before we handed our tickets to the flight attendant. Then it seemed that everyone but me (I was the only one not from Jordan or visiting family in Jordan) was questioned additionally by about 6 uniformed guards-Where do you live in Jordan? Are you aware you have a green card here and can stay? What is your profession in Chicago? What does that mean?
I can tell you from my observations this seemed a bit extreme. But what do I know?


  1. Not sure what the banana comment was about, but I am cracking up anyway! Hugs for you. Love, Erin

  2. Hey Erin,
    Matt hates bananas, especially the smell. He wouldn't have approved of a woman eating a banana in a plane right next to him.

  3. the smell of bananas are putrid. I don't mindif other people eat them, but it is when the gross peel is just sitting near me for hours. ugh. don't get me started.

  4. Matt you crack me up!!! Still laughing!! Bananas are awesome... I just don't like them over ripe... so I can almost relate! Hugs for both of you and thanks for the laugh!

  5. Jordan has really intense security everywhere. I took a boat there from Egypt and they emptied out all of my bags and questioned me about everything that wasn't clothes.

    From what I understand, it just has to do with them being between Israel/Palestine, Egypt, Syria and Iraq; basically the nexus for everything dangerous and shady in the middle east (including the drug trade). Since they are pretty politically neutral, they just want all of their crazy neighbors to leave them alone.
