Thursday, March 3, 2011

Encounters of the Animal Kind

"There are just too many of them" is the reason I hear for the removal. Yes, that's right, the cats are moving! The first to go was Lutfee, an orange and white cat. I can't really say I was sad to see her go. I didn't really get to know her. She was moving to Elyam's camp a few kilometers up the road where I am sure she will have a long fulfilling life of eating fish and reproducing or be killed the next time they put poison out for the animals to keep the population down. All of the boys gathered around to see Lutfee off. They forcefully stuffed her in a box (no worries, she could breathe. I think) and waved her away as Elyam suffered many scratches keeping the restless cat in the box.
The boys have built a few contraptions to catch the cats, though they aren't really necessary because the cats will just come up to you and demand attention. But the traps are a fun and time consuming diversion. They caught the second cat two days later though I don't really know what happened to that cat. He probably moved as well but I am not certain of the location.
My first day here, Katrin was talking about one of the cats and I just couldn't tell what she was saying when she said his name. It sounds oddly like "Dickfatbroda." Mady and I cannot stop laughing when anyone says this cat's name and whenever we ask can't really get a better answer to what his name is or means. I know what you are thinking because I thought this cat must be Dickfat's brother too. But no, we are wrong. I don't think I will ever understand "Dickfatbroda" but it's rather hilarious when a kid comes up to you, bats his eyelashes and says he can't find Dickfatbroda.
I was on my way to school when I saw the donkeys by the trash bins so I grabbed my camera to take a picture. I didn’t think much of it until the grey donkey, whom I recently named “Badonk-a-donk,” came right up to me and stared me in the eyes as well as an animal with eyes on the side of his head could stare at me. Then the white one, who I named Mao, came and stood with Badonk-a-donk. Neither would let me touch him and when I tried to walk away Mao just kept following. It was really quite strange. Finally the caretaker called to them in German and they left me alone. I haven’t seen them since then so I have no pictures but they will come soon. Though now I am a little nervous to pull out my camera near them.

We recently encountered a new kitten that some of the kids are taking care of. I forget the name in Arabic but it means "baby pigeon." Here she is:

1 comment:

  1. Well, Amanda would be in heaven if they were dogs and not cats. Come to think of it, she would love the cats too! She would want to bring them all home.
