Sunday, March 20, 2011

The Vote

Egyptians eagerly went to the polls yesterday to decide the fate of their constitution. The vote was an important yet simple decision for most of the staff at Basata. The answer was “no,” the changes made to the constitution thus far are not enough. They want a new constitution, a new set of laws for a new and proud Egypt.

I constantly ask questions, curious to know what the Egyptian people want and who is currently governing the country. Who is making these important decisions? I have been informed that the military has assembled a super team of 100 (this may not be an exact number) economists, religious leaders and the like to consult on the future of the country including changing or creating a new constitution. What an amazing time to be an expert in your field and be chosen to make decisions that will effect you country for decades to come.

It’s an exciting time to be here to witness Egyptians engaging in friendly debates about what they believe should be the next steps in the people’s Egypt and what these changes will mean for them. While some people are certain that the outcome will be an overwhelming “no,” some are worried that television propaganda will sway those less educated to voting “yes” with those big wig station owners who received their millions thanks to the Mubarek’s regime.

All of our Egyptian friends came back from neighboring towns proudly showing off their red thumbs, evidence they were fingerprinted at the polls. Now we wait. Our friends wait. And the country waits on a decision that not only symbolizes the beginning of a democracy but a new age free from the humiliation and oppression they suffered for the last 30 years.


The people have spoken. 77% of the votes told those in charge that the current amendments are enough to get started working on their new government, to elect a new president. While many may disagree with the decision, it was a democratic decision and at least 44% of eligible voters finally had their voices heard. The nine amendments are now agreed upon. What will happen next? Time will only tell…


  1. What a great description of whats going on there! You are such a good writer!

  2. That was me, Becky, commenting....even with Matt's help its a challenge!
    Missed you tonight when we had risotto and halibut. Belle says "what butt?"
