Friday, May 13, 2011

Could you have the hots for Bin Laden?

Bin Laden is handsome. I hadn't considered this either until his death last week. I overheard the high school girls giggling about someone they deem good-looking only to find out that they were talking about the infamous al-Qaeda commander himself. I’ve got to say it is bizarre having girls gush to you about the physical attributes of a person that for the last ten years you have only considered a fanatical terrorist. But I tried to be open-minded, reminding myself that his physical attributes have nothing to do with his notorious reputation.

They made the case that I must see a picture of him in his youth. So for your viewing pleasure, here he is:

I argued that the scraggly beard just doesn’t do it for me and one added that the nose wasn’t very nice either. But they maintained that he was definitely attractive.

Now this sparked my curiosity about Middle Eastern women and girls in general. Do many women find him attractive? Do teenage girls across Egypt and surrounding countries have posters of him on their walls like girls in the States have posters of Robert Pattinson and Taylor Lautner? If you don't know who these supernatural heartthrobs are check this out:

I live in a pretty isolated community so it may be a little difficult to obtain further data asserting or denying that this is a nationwide or even regional phenomenon or if it isolated to the particular girls I work with. I hope to obtain more information and report back if I find some fascinating new information.

1 comment:

  1. Haha, do Lauren Ian and I have a surprise for you. Turns out, you think he is very attractive indeed and have been dating him for several years now...
