Sunday, May 22, 2011


For all those who know me pretty well, you probably know that swimming has never been my thing. Fortunately, thanks to a snorkel and some tropical fish, I have become a lover of the sea. Most days after school are now spent in search of schools of fish and avoiding the beautiful but deadly Lionfish. Recently, we have had an influx of Jellyfish that I have been told don’t sting but I am still weary. Every time I bump into one I nearly pee myself, though I guess that is not so bad in the sea. There is one canyon that reminds me of the part in Finding Nemo where they have to bounce on the tops of the Jellies and I have to tell myself to “just keep swimming.” Our friend took us out on his boat last weekend so we were able to explore a further coral reef with a small shipwreck. It is amazing the way that the sea will just incorporate the foreign objects. The coral was just growing over the rusted railings turning them into a fixed part of the underwater life.

We have had a sudden baby boom in the recent weeks here at our camp. A stray dog that we had been trying to name for some weeks, which finally chose the name Heidi, had eight puppies last month in one of the huts. Because guests must have access to the hut a group of us decided to move the puppies and the new location was chosen...on our porch! After a few days of struggling with Heidi, who kept taking them back to the original hut, I has finally decided to keep her pups in the new location. While they were incredibly cute, they whined a lot at night but it was still nice to have them so close by. On Friday we had to send them to Nuweiba to their new foster home since we leave at the end of this week. It was very difficult to send them away because we have gotten accustomed to the pups and love Heidi very much. She even tried to protect me from the scary donkey, Mao, one day.

I have been trying to upload pictures but my computer has made this impossible so forgive me for the long break. I was trying to add pictures...

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