Tuesday, June 28, 2011


I apologize for my absence loyal readers. I have been finishing up school and trying to figure out future plans plus study for the GMAT and saying tear-filled good byes. I will try to be better....

As most people may know Matt came to visit last week and we had a blast in our whirlwind tour of Egypt.

Our first stop was Cairo, a huge city with a long and grand history. Our first night we headed to Zamalek, the island in the middle of the Nile where wealthier Egyptians and many foreigners live. We walked across the 6th of October bridge, got lost but eventually ended up at La Bodega (http://www.labodegaegypt.com/), an upscale Italian restaurant for which we were definitely under dressed. But foreigners get away with everything so we had cocktails and a lovely meal which consisted of a veggie pasta and chicken stuffed with cheese and bell peppers.

I have to say that I am never more scared for my life than when crossing a busy street in Cairo. I have learned to stand next to a local and do as they do but walking the in the middle of speeding traffic has never seemed like the best idea. Regardless if you want to get anywhere in Cairo on foot this is an inevitable situation. So tip for anyone coming to Cairo: put your hand out like the force is with you and walk with your head up high walking at steady pace and of course be ready to jump out of the way of an excited cab driver. Check this out: Cairo street crossing

The Cairo adventure will continue...

1 comment:

  1. hhhhh, i remember you being really scared when crossing streets there, but learned how to cross it and which side of street to take :)

